Thursday, March 28, 2019

SNAPlife: Love Comes To Where You Are—You Don't Have to Wait For The Sto...

Are you waiting on your prince to come or looking for your damsel in distress? You are probably doing it wrong! Nearly no one ever has such fantasy, story-book experiences with romance!

For the vast majority if people, where you are throughout your daily routine is the biggest factor in your romantic relationships. You simply cannot have a relationship with someone you don't meet.

Though the 21st Century has created the real possibility of meeting people through the Internet, that is still a meeting of sorts. These types of meetings are, indeed, real and can lead to long-term, meaningful relationship.

Thus, the reality stands that, unless you meet someone (Internet or otherwise), you cannot have a relationship with them. But, many people cling desperately to the romantic notion that you can sit back and wait, and your long-lost, never-yet-met soulmate will appear and give your life the meaning it has been lacking. This is simply not remotely likely.

The truth is, where you are and who is proximal to you there are the biggest predictors of who you will have a relationship with. Stop and think about it. How many people do you know that have meaningful relationships with someone they have not met? Zero.

So it is that your schedule and the architecture (or software user interface) of the place where you spend the most time are the biggest factors in romance. The fantasy idea simply does not play out in reality, and if you are sitting around waiting for the very unlikely, you are probably going to be waiting forever.

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