Tuesday, March 26, 2019

SNAPlife: Just Be Yourself Might Be TERRIBLE Advice - s2e86

Want to be accepted? Need to fit in better?

If so, then "just be yourself" might be terrible advice.

If you have found a group that would, if you were a part of it, make you or lead you to becoming a better version of yourself, then you very well might need to change things about yourself in order to become a part of it. It's a tough situation!

If being part of a group mean compromising your morals or ethics, then its probably not a group that would benefit you. But if it means refining yourself and adding to what you are becoming better, then you might want to try and make those changes.

It's a difficult question, and everyone has to answer it. But if you would be better off as part of some group or in some sort of relationship, then take a serious look at how you line up and tweak the things that would make you better.

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