Tuesday, April 30, 2019

SNAPlife: Pride Is Okay, Different From Conceit - s2e114

Being proud in the 21st Century is sometimes a thing frowned upon. Being prideful, though, is not the same as being proud.

There is a big difference between conceit and being proud of something accomplished. While the words don't seem that different, in truth, they are.

Conceit can be viewed as an undesirable self-inflation of importance. It is an attitude that projects outward to others.

Being proud, though, is internal. It is that good feeling that results from doing something that is meaningful or creating something that turns out well. The feeling of pride is a positive thing that rewards a job well done and stimulates the desire to do so again.

But being proud has been, many times, put down to the point that people who feel proud also feel guilty. Vanity and conceit are so closely linked to being proud that many people often are conflicted.

This should not be the case. There is nothing wrong with feeling good for doing something well. The whole purpose of that good feeling is to stimulate a repeat of the behavior, so go ahead and be proud of a job well done. Then do it again.

Friday, April 26, 2019

SNAPlife: Well Begun Is Half Done - s2e112

Every task requires there being some sort of execution. That's the nature of a task.

Successful completion of a a task of any kind often is closely connected to effectively preparing. The cliche "well begun is half done" is accurate!

Showing up for a "job" of any sort—school… career… even family events—needs to include getting ready to show up. In sports, announcers will sometimes say, "well, they just didn't show up today," meaning not that their bodies weren't there but rather that they didn't arrive with the mindset of preparation.

Prepare for the "job" ahead of time. Have your gear sorted out. Have knowledge of the thing you are supposed to do. Have knowledge of what your responsibilities will be. Just being physically present isn't enough.

The preparation that goes into something is often the single most important aspect of success. Though being prepared alone is not enough to make anyone successful, not being prepared IS enough to many anyone fail.

Begin well, execute well, and seize the success you aim for.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

SNAPlife Work Hard On The Front End So the Back End Will Be Easy - s2e111

Let's face it… We'd all like the easy button. But in truth, getting the easy button to work is hard. At first.

They say "work smart, not hard." But the smart thing is often to work hard at first, then let all the front end work pay off as you work smart through the back end!

In order to make things most easy, spending time on the front end to get things set up and optimized is a good investment of effort. If you need to do something long term, then spending a little time early that will save you time over the long run is just plan smart.

Even if you are only going to do something once, taking time to get the tools in place and handy will ultimately save you time over the course of the project. Keeping your tools organized (hand tools, software, devices, etc.) pays huge dividends in time saved.

The easy button can be created, but it takes time and effort. And putting in the time on the front end pays off big on the back end of the project.

Monday, April 22, 2019

To Keep Doing Things How You've Done Them Change Everything - ...

Many things in life can be done in a way that is very satisfying. But with time, circumstances
change. People change, age, become injured. Software changes. Apps come and go. Health and relationships change. Customer expectations and needs change. Laws change.

When things change, procedures have to change, too, if getting the same results in the goal. Methods and tools need to be updated.

Sometimes, you have to change what your doing in order to keep doing what you have always done.

In order to get the outcome that we want we have to do things differently. When circumstances change, our methods have to change. We have to adapt and find new procedures.

Don't give up on the outcome just because the circumstances have changed. Sometimes, to do things they way you've always done them, you have to do things completely differently. Don't get so set in your ways that you forfeit the desired outcome just because you can't use the same old methods.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

SNAPlife: Waiting To The Last Minute Can Teach You Important Lessons - s...

As a rule, waiting until the last minute is considered a bad thing by most people. But, is it?

Some people have a personality that works with last minute behaviors. They are able to, in the last hours, pull things together and have good results. They have the personality that works well under pressure, relying on past experiences and knowledge to champion a task through in the end.

People who have this personality are just the kind of people who step up in a crisis and get through it as if nothing out of the normal was going on. They have, over the courses of their lives, created so many crisis by waiting to the last minute that one more problem has little affect on them. One more "do or die" situation appears… What's the big deal?

While waiting until the last minute is not a great habit to get into, people who have lived their lives in that way for a long time develop approaches to problem situations that tend to be effective. They have, thus, developed skills and techniques that work "in a pinch," so when the crisis hits, they are very able to handle it.

People with the personalities that work well waiting to the last minute very likely possess the capability to be highly effective in the times when the wheels come off. They are the types of people who can walk up on a situation, take in a lot of information quickly, and launch into a course of action.

While it is probably better to not procrastinate, there is value in what can be learned by waiting to the last minute to successfully get things done.

Friday, April 19, 2019

What's Wrong With My Channel (And The Rest of The Internet Generations)?...

Too many people have abandoned working through the process and now only want to get to the answer. While access to information is great, mastery of some skills and processes are equally important.

A majority of people that I encounter are looking for instant answers and never-ending entertainment. They don't want to know why. They don't want to know the logic behind something. They want to know were to set the dial and what button to push.

Leaving thoughtful interaction with the world behind, they look ever for the laugh, or if they can't laugh, what is the fastest way to get done with the task so they can go back to laughing. Their minds do not struggle with deep thoughts. They feast instead on sugary sweet entertainment that always leaves them wanting more.

And the Internet makes sure that more is just a swipe or click away!

I see this in my own YouTube channel, a metaphor I'd claim, for the current state of society. Tutorials and spoofs (show me how now or make me laugh) reign supreme, while videos that seek to challenge people to think, reflect, and grow are glanced at or ignored.

The problem? Like any addiction, the quick fix of instant gratification does not last long. Higher and higher levels of "it" are required to give the person the same sense of satisfaction. Eventually, the entirety of the day is required, and anything detracting them from what they want is viewed as unwanted or painful. People who don't take time to find out how or why, who don't pause to think, analyze, and evaluate end up slaves to the "laugh now" or "just show me what button" mentality.

Ultimately, this cannot be a good thing.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

SNAPlife: Don't Date Someone Who First-off Wants To Change You - s2e107

Cupid's arrows hit you hard, and now you are on the verge of a new romantic relationship. And, first off, the other person wants to change you.

Plot twist: this is the wrong relationship!

Likewise, if your first inclination about the other person is that you'll change a few things, then… no. Don't do it.

Sure, love can find a way and sometimes opposites really do attract. But if it is the "oppositeness" that attracted you, then you won't want to change THAT.

The older you are to begin with, the less a person is going to change. The past days have shaped and molded them a certain way, so don't expect the future days to change them into something vastly different.

Indeed, people change with time, but the best situation is that, at the beginning of the relationship, you are both mutually satisfied with the other person. Starting a relationship with the expectation that the other person will change or facing the assumption that you will change is starting off poorly.

If the first thing you think of about a potential relationship is that the other person has to change or that you have to change for them, then you're probably in the wrong relationship.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Decision Without Data Are Just Guesses

Decisions, decisions!

When you face a choice, you can rely on your gut. You can flip a coin. Or, you can do something more effective.

The decision making process needs to be guided by real information that is based on some kind of reliable information. Otherwise, you are only guessing.

Data gives the decision making process something that leads the choices toward the possibility of a good outcome. If you base your decisions on anything less than real information, you are essentially just guessing. A decision based on a hunch that does not grow out of observations and experiences may as well be decided by a dice roll or coin toss.

Decision-making occurs everywhere. In business. In education. In careers. In relationships.

All decisions need to emerge from the reality of the situation. In business, what the customer wants or needs needs to be associated with what is already in the market and what the business has to offer. This is just an example of how the reality of the situation directs the decisions. Just because a business owner thinks people will like blue is not sufficient for developing a product line.

Without data, the decision making process is hindered. Before you start into something new or before you abandon something you've been doing, make sure you have a clear picture of what has been and what is. Use that to predict what might be.

Then, you are doing more than just guessing!

Is Your Cargo On Fire?

Imagine a truck, its cargo box and contents fully ablaze, belching out black smoke and hot orange flames, driving heedlessly through a crowded market area. Imagine the people on the street jumping out of the way!

This is a metaphor for how some people live their lives.

They proceed through their day ignoring or oblivious to the fact that the trail behind them fire and smoke.

The results of their life choices and life situation have resulting in chaos or other "blazes," and when they pass others in the course of their day, the smoke and flames choke and burn them.

Life is lived in community, and your experiences have an affect on the people around you.

Living your life like a fiery truck blasting its way through a crowded market area is no way to live in community. Our lives affect others, and we need to take care.

Don't be so unaware of your cargo of fire that you fail to allow for the affect it is having on those around you.

Push Through The Unwanted Present To Reach The Desirable Futur...

So, you don't something, but "they" are telling you you need to do it? Or maybe you are telling yourself you need to do something, but you just don't really want to do it.

If you let the unpleasantness of something in the present stop you in your tracks, you'll never reach the desirable payoff down the road. You can't look at something you don't want to do and let that deter you from that thing you are trying to accomplish.

You have to push through the unpleasant present in order to get to the desirable payoff of the future.

Push through the challenges and undesirable circumstances in order to get to the goals you need to reach. Muster the maturity to face the unwanted tasks of the now in order to reach the gratification of the future promises. It's not easy.

Things aren't always sugar coated or fun. Some things are very unpleasant, yet have to be done just the same. To be successful, sometimes you have to push through unwanted, unpleasant things to get to those end results you desire.

Let the desirable future payoff be the carrot that leads you forward down the undesirable present circumstances.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

When You Fall, Get Back Up Fast - s2e100

So, you have a goal or objective related to forming or breaking a habit? There is some pattern of behavior you are trying to establish—the doing or not doing of something on a regular basis…

When you fall out of the pattern of acting in a way that you are trying to maintain,, you can't stay down for long, or staying down will become the new pattern. Just this once becomes, one more time, which becomes, one more time again, which become the new pattern.

If you have long-term goal for your business, for your health, for your finances, for relationships, and you mess up, it's not an excuse to give up. It's just a blip, and you need to, as quickly as possible, return to the habits you were trying to maintain.

The longer you linger in doing the things that differ from the goal behaviors, the harder it will be to return to way you want things to be. Don't let a fall become a fail!

When you accidentally mess up, it's easy to intentionally mess up "just this once." And then it's even easier to mess up on purpose "just once more" and then "just one more time!" In no time, you are back in a pattern of acting that is utterly different from what you wanted to be doing!

If you fall down, get back up. Messing up is not an excuse to give up! Slipping back is not an excuse to stop moving forward.

Go back to the things you were doing that were working. Keep doing what you were doing in order to keep getting the results you were getting.

Don't let one departure from your course derail you forever from your gaol.

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Why Are Thermostats So Hard To Understand? AND Messing Up Does Not Mean ...

Setting goals is fairly common. Failing to achieve them is also fairly common!

Suppose you are on track toward reaching a goal. You are making progress. Then one day comes along and you mess up. You don't do the whatever-it-was that you had been doing.

You can just quit. You can abandon your goal. Or you can pick up and get back at it.

Just because you mess up is not an excuse to give up. Just because you fall down is not an excuse to stay down. Get back up and get going again!

When you fall out of your routine, don't abandon what you had been doing. Go back to the routine, pick up, and carry on.

Just because you mess up does not mean you give up. Just because you fall down doesn't mean  Just because you miss a day doesn't mean you miss the rest of your life.

Go back what you were doing to get the results you were getting!

Monday, April 08, 2019

SNAPlife: Is It Time To Quit, Change, or Keep Going? - s2e98

So, you started something. A business… A relationships… A training or education program…

Time passes and you find yourself wondering if you are wasting your time. Are you getting anywhere? Is the thing—the "it"—growing and developing the way you want it to?

If you find yourself in this situation, you need to stop. Don't make a decision based on a snap, emotional reaction to whats going on. There are a few things you need to do first.

Start off by reflecting on what your expectations were when you started. Maybe you thought it would be fun. Maybe you thought there was some intrinsic value to doing "it." Maybe you thought it would be a nice source of extra income. Maybe you just wanted a hobby.

You might have set goals. Maybe you wanted to have some level of sales. Maybe you thought you would have some degree of engagement.

But, with the passing of time, you can't see or you don't feel like you are making progress toward your goals.

The first thing to do is to sit down and reflect on why you started "it" in the first place. What were your expectations?

Next, you have to look at the data—what is the factual reality of the "it" in the current state. Don't base a decision to quit or change on a gut feeling or an emotional response. You need to, in the next step, have a reliable view of the current situation.

Next, compare your initial expectations to the current reality. How does it compare? Are you on track? Falling behind? Further than you actually thought? Don't confuse what you hoped for with what you actually expected! Before you give up or change, make sure you are comparing what you expected (different from what you hoped for) to what actually is happening!

Fourth, look at the current circumstances related to the "it." Has anything changed that made your expectations mute? Do you no longer have time for the fun you wanted to have? Maybe it just isn't as fun as you thought! Do you no longer have extra money or capital to run your start-up? Did your values or ambitions change? Has anything changed that nullifies the reasons that prompted you into starting the "it" in the first place? If so, maybe it is time to quit.

Alternately, maybe it is time to change. If things have changed but the "it" is still valid, perhaps you just need to alter what you are doing to fit the new situation.

Stop and be careful before you decide to quit or change. Maybe you need to keep your original reasons and expectations in mind and just keep going.

Saturday, April 06, 2019

Blah Is The Safety Bar Of Life - s2e96


Some days are awesome. Some days are not. Some days are up. Some are down. Many are just.

Not everyday is the loopy-loop on the rollercoaster! Some days are like being at the amusement park and standing in line to throw away your trash. You remember the loopy-loop from earlier. You know there's another loopy-loop coming up. But, for the moment, you are just standing in line, waiting.

There is a purpose, indeed, a need, for the blah parts of the day. The spaces between the loops help us deal with energy demands of the loops!

Everyone needs the space in their life that allows them to recreate, to get ready for the next round of loops and spins. If you don't have a safe place in your life where you can recharge—if you are forever rushing from one loopy-loop to the next, you'll probably burn out. You'll probably unravel.

Look into your life and situation and find your oasis. Find the places (literally and figuratively) that are safe and refreshing. You need them!

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Does IT Fit? From Mission to Action and Everything Else Between

How you spend your times reflects your priorities. If successfully reaching your goals is your priority, you need to start with your overall, totality of purpose—the mission—and work down from that. What, precisely, is the mission of a person or organization? This is the starting point.

The overall mission will dictate the goals. All goals need to fit with the mission. Goals that don't line up with the mission need to be set aside, and resources need not be expended. The mission identifies the valid goals.

Each goal will be defined by a set of objectives. Reaching all of the objectives represents completing the goal.

Every objective will be accompanied by action items which, when completed, move closer and closer to seeing the objective met—and to seeing the goals completed—and to seeing that the mission is fulfilled.

NO action items should ever exist that are not part of an objective which is part of a goal, which fits with the mission. If there is an action item that MUST be done, stop and figure out which objective/goal it is a part of!

Policies and procedures surround the action items (and objectives and goals) and also grow out of the mission. Policies and procedures need to reflect the overall mission, supporting it completely.

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

SNAPlife: That's Not a River! - s2e89

Point of view and perspective are fundamental to how people look at life and at circumstances. There is no doubt. What you think of when a situation is mentioned directly influences your reactions.

But many times, there are different perspectives. Different points of view lead to different views on things. Understanding grows out of context, and if the context is different, the resulting ideas will be different.

When differences of opinion occur, it is possible that the parties involved are approaching the situation with different points of view. It is possible that life experiences, being different, have led to differing ways of understanding the same thing, and that the differences in understanding have led to the dissimilar points of view.

Don't be quick to discount what someone else says when their ideas are not the same as yours. Stop and think about their perspective. Could it be that they see the same thing through a different lens, a lens ground from their past that focuses differently?

What do you think of when you think of a river? There's a good chance that your perspective is not universal!