Thursday, April 04, 2019

Does IT Fit? From Mission to Action and Everything Else Between

How you spend your times reflects your priorities. If successfully reaching your goals is your priority, you need to start with your overall, totality of purpose—the mission—and work down from that. What, precisely, is the mission of a person or organization? This is the starting point.

The overall mission will dictate the goals. All goals need to fit with the mission. Goals that don't line up with the mission need to be set aside, and resources need not be expended. The mission identifies the valid goals.

Each goal will be defined by a set of objectives. Reaching all of the objectives represents completing the goal.

Every objective will be accompanied by action items which, when completed, move closer and closer to seeing the objective met—and to seeing the goals completed—and to seeing that the mission is fulfilled.

NO action items should ever exist that are not part of an objective which is part of a goal, which fits with the mission. If there is an action item that MUST be done, stop and figure out which objective/goal it is a part of!

Policies and procedures surround the action items (and objectives and goals) and also grow out of the mission. Policies and procedures need to reflect the overall mission, supporting it completely.

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