Tuesday, April 30, 2019

SNAPlife: Pride Is Okay, Different From Conceit - s2e114

Being proud in the 21st Century is sometimes a thing frowned upon. Being prideful, though, is not the same as being proud.

There is a big difference between conceit and being proud of something accomplished. While the words don't seem that different, in truth, they are.

Conceit can be viewed as an undesirable self-inflation of importance. It is an attitude that projects outward to others.

Being proud, though, is internal. It is that good feeling that results from doing something that is meaningful or creating something that turns out well. The feeling of pride is a positive thing that rewards a job well done and stimulates the desire to do so again.

But being proud has been, many times, put down to the point that people who feel proud also feel guilty. Vanity and conceit are so closely linked to being proud that many people often are conflicted.

This should not be the case. There is nothing wrong with feeling good for doing something well. The whole purpose of that good feeling is to stimulate a repeat of the behavior, so go ahead and be proud of a job well done. Then do it again.

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