Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Is Your Cargo On Fire?

Imagine a truck, its cargo box and contents fully ablaze, belching out black smoke and hot orange flames, driving heedlessly through a crowded market area. Imagine the people on the street jumping out of the way!

This is a metaphor for how some people live their lives.

They proceed through their day ignoring or oblivious to the fact that the trail behind them fire and smoke.

The results of their life choices and life situation have resulting in chaos or other "blazes," and when they pass others in the course of their day, the smoke and flames choke and burn them.

Life is lived in community, and your experiences have an affect on the people around you.

Living your life like a fiery truck blasting its way through a crowded market area is no way to live in community. Our lives affect others, and we need to take care.

Don't be so unaware of your cargo of fire that you fail to allow for the affect it is having on those around you.

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