Sunday, March 24, 2019

s2e85 SNAPlife Being Busy Is Not The Same As Doing Something

Being busy does not mean you are getting anything done.

Reaching your goals and objectives—becoming successful—requires action, but not just any action. It requires actions that are directed and focus. And meaningful.

It is far to easy to fill your schedule with business rather than with productive activity. And once the schedule if full, then the things that would really lead toward your goals have no place on it.

Being successful is often defined in terms of mission, goals, and objectives. Plans and individual action-items should line up with specific objectives, and policies and procedures need to align with everything from the mission down to the action item.

But, it is frequently the case that action items show up with little or no connection to the overall big picture. We become busy, but in terms of our mission, get very, very little done.

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