Tuesday, February 09, 2021

If Not Happiness, Then What?

Earlier, I made a claim that happiness is not the goal. That we should stop trying to be happy.

So, if not happiness, then what?

What  you strive for needs to be something from within you. Something that drives you forward rather than something that is a reaction to things around you.

Happiness is an emotion that results from the thoughts you have about things that happen. It results from events turning out in a way that exceeds our expectations. But often, when that happens, our expectations shift. The next time, our happiness depends on something surpassing the previous experience.

Thus, happiness is a shifting, fleeting feeling that comes from things outside us.

The better circumstances is, rather than waiting for things to happen, to orient ourselves to something else. Instead of waiting to react to things with happy feelings, develop an approach to living that yields peace and contentment. 

Develop a joyful approach to life.

Much more on that coming soon!

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