Friday, September 17, 2021

The Agile Life: Life Is A Bunch Of Projects

Applying the agile project management approach to organizing our lives assumes that life is a collection of projects all taking place at the same time. For instance, at any given time, you might be attending to family, career, education, and… say reception, too… all at once.

And, at any give moment, an emergency might pop up, and that would become an urgent project, all in on its own.

With so many things all happening, some strategy needs to be in place so that we can move through life from where you are to where you want to be.

Applying the agile project management approach, is one way to do that. Each project can be viewed as  some number of steps, each necessary for reaching the goal. Within the agile framework, we'll call these todo items sprints.

Viewing life through the lens of agile project management give us an approach that can help make the most out of our resources and move us ever closer to our goals.

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