Tuesday, September 22, 2020

About That Virtual Classroom

The year 2020 ushered in many changes to how people live their lives. Among those was the rapid increase in using distance communication systems in business and education.

Within the business community, systems like (and predating) WebEx and GoToMeeting have had a place for over a decade, with Google Meets and other platforms making inroads.

Distance learning within education is not new, either, but…

But… With 2020, an enormous shift to distance learning occurred. And not everyone made the shift willingly. Many were compelled by COVID19 to make that shift.

While the shift to virtual meetings and classrooms has been difficult for many people to embrace, for others, it was a natural shift. Many of the students have grown up watching livestreams for their favorite games and other pass-times. They are accustomed to the feel of them, to how they worked.

Probably far more so than their teachers!

Students of the 21st Century may not LIKE virtual learning. But, they are more than able to navigate it and use it effectively.

#virtualClassroom #education #teacher #teacherlife #teacher2020

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