Wednesday, May 08, 2019

SNAPlife: Just Because You Can (Eat It) Doesn't Mean You Should

Sure. A lot of things are possible. But, should you do it?

Just because something is edible does not mean it is healthy to eat it. Just because something is edible does not mean it is pleasant to eat it.

The fact that something CAN be done does not mean it SHOULD be done. And what defines what should or should not be done?

Values, ethics, and your moral code should define the boundaries in which all activities fit. Just like taste preference and nutrition needs should define what you put in your mouth to eat.

That something is possible is only one factor in deciding what to do. That it fits with who you are and what you stand for is a powerful aspect of deciding what should be done.

Don't let the fact that something can be done be the only reason behind doing it.

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