Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Bill Snodgrass - Actions Are Loud - (Original, Official Music Video)

Anyone can say anything. They can claim anything to be anyway they wish to claim it to be.

But words, alone, are weak representations of what is really going on.

Actions speak louder than words. It's an old expression but it is true.

You can say you are fine. You can say your are okay. You care. You're ready. You're satisfied. And you might even want those things to be true.

But, your actions—including your mood—tell the real story.

Behaving in a caring, concerned way tells more than saying you're not interested. Being unkind and hurtful carries more weight than saying you care.

It's worth mentioning that sometimes, saying something is an action. Things like "I hate you" or "You're worthless" are acts as much as they are words. They are attacks. Assaults.

The actions will line up on the side of truth. If all the words say "blue" but all the actions say "red," then the truth is… "red."

Hear the words. But believe the actions.

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