Sunday, August 25, 2019

SMAC Your Goals! - s3e9

In the big picture of "whatever it is you are trying to do," any chance at being successful requires you to have effective goals. A good goal can help guide your planning and inform your resource utilization so that your quest for success is more easily completed.

A bad goal is one that doesn't clearly define what you are to do and when you are to do it. A bad goal requires you to expend resources you may not have or may have allocated to other goals. A bad goal is unrealistic or incompatible with the "whatever it is you are trying to do" in the first place.

So what are good goals?

Simple. Not in terms of being easy to achieve but in terms of being independently attainable. A simple goal is not bound to other goals.

Measurable. "Better" is not actually measurable. "Increase by five" is. If you can't measure it, you will never know if it has been achieved.

Attainable. You can say you set a goal, but if it is not attainable, it's really just a wish! Goals must fit within the context of possible. NOTE: there is a difference between something that's hard and something that's impossible. Goals can be hard… But there must be some plausible path from where you are to where the goal ask you to be.

Compatible. Every goal that you decide to pursue must fit with and not compete with all the other goals. You can't have two goals that require thirteen hours of time each day. Two such goals are not compatible.

If you want your goals to be effective… SMAC them!

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