Thursday, February 28, 2019

Coffee Chat: Connection IS Motivation - s2e60

One challenge in leading others it to transfer to them the vision, the passion for the task to be done. One way to do this is to connect them to the underlying reasoning that allows whatever it is you want to do make sense.

SNAPlife: It's Normal To Struggle - s2e59

If you can remember that everyone is struggling, it will help temper your reactions to people who may also be having a bad day, too. Keeping this in mind will help you not overreact when people do things that aren't exactly the way you want them.

The fact that all people struggle is a reality for everyone. When things don't work out, you have two choices: you can give up or you can find a new way to get things done.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

SNAPlife: Doing Something You Shouldn't VS Not Doing Something You Shoul...

Your mission (life mission, organization mission) should define the broad scope of what you want to accomplish. It should be the guiding light by which you evaluate all of the things you do.

Though many people have a general idea of what they want to achieve, often, their resources are taxed by things that don't fit into the overall mission. The result is that resources are being used that do nothing toward advancing the missions and things that would advance the mission are left undone.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

SNAPlife: Your Choices, Your Consequences - s2e56

Many people stand on the "right" to make choices for themselves, for their business, for their family and close friends. Each of these choice come with results. Depending on the decisions made, different things can happen.

Often, when things don't work out, people want to cast blame away. "It wasn't my fault!"

Maybe it was. Maybe the series of choices you have made over your life have resulted in the circumstances were the undesirable results were likely.

In fact, it probably was (if not your fault) precisely the consequences of your decisions.

Friday, February 22, 2019

SNAPlife: Is It Time To Abandon Your Goal? - s2e55

Setting goals is fairly common. Abandoning goals is an equal reality.

Should you give up on your goal? Should you walk away from a goal you set?

There are two reasons you should just forget about your goals and cut them away from your life mission. If the goal was bad in the first place, abandoning it actually moves you closer to your life mission. Similarly, if the goal started off as a good one, but if the circumstances that were true when you set the goal change, then it is very possible that the goal no longer is compatible with your life circumstances.

Otherwise… should you give up on a goal?

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Coffee Chat: Being A Teacher / Mentor - s2e53

Teaching… leading… mentoring… Words that mean a lot more than just shoving facts into someone's head.

There is an amazing privilege that goes along with helping others grow. Guiding someone toward their goals and toward things they need to become a better version of themselves is a huge responsibility and amazing experience. 

Monday, February 18, 2019

SNAPlife: A Dream Realized - s2e50

Dreams are personal. Saying one person's dream is better or worse than someone else's is unfair. There is value of a sort in taking the steps needed to move a dream from fantasy towards reality.

It takes work. But if you have a dream, start the process of making plans. Set goals and find the steps needed to make your dream come true.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

SNAPlife: What To Do With Your Dreams - s2e49

Even after you have come up with a life mission and set goals, it's still not too late to have dreams. Dreams are that star on the horizon that catches our eye and compels us to ask, "What if…?"

Dreams that are never embraced and configured into the life purpose, that never become part of the plan of action remain a fantasy idea. Without putting actions in place, without moving ideas from the realm of wishing-for to the realm of goals, you will never reach dream.

Don't forever let your dreams remain on the horizon. Bring them into the plan and go for them.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

SNAPlife: Compassion And Kindness Are The Epitome Of Humanity At Its Bes...

When you see a need, do you take action? Are you a bystander, letting things happen without getting involved, or do you step in and try to make things better?

Seeing the needs of others and showing compassion and kindness are the highest, most noble aspects of humanity. Showing care to others and helping them is fulfilment of the purpose for which people were created. We are meant to look into the world around us and make it better, and that means seeing things through the eyes of others and taking actions to make things better.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Coffee Chat: "Just This Once" is the First Step Toward Failure - s2e47

Long term goals and plans take discipline to see them achieved. It's easy to get derailed when you think you can set aside the program "just this once."

But "just this once" leads to "just this once, again," which leads to "just one more time." Eventually, you've abandoned the goal completely.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

SNAPlife: Does Your Plan Cover Contingencies? - s2e44

Planning. You need to do it, no matter what the scope of the task. How will you get from point A to point B?

And, beyond having a plan, you need to anticipate what could go wrong… and more importantly, what will you do if they do!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Live Better: What To Do When "Things" Just Don't Line Up - s2e43

Humans are created with a lot more "radar" systems than you think. We are constantly picking up stimuli from the environment and processing them.

Sometimes, the signals don't make sense, even if we are not able to articulate why. When things don't add up, you need to stop, appraise the situation, and make the appropriate decision as to what to do next.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

SNAPlife: The Four "A"s of Dealing With Stress - s2e42

Stress is the body's reaction to stimuli from the environment that elevates the alert response status to prepare the body to take care of itself in the face of danger. But in 21st Century culture, there are many stressors that increase our level of anxiety without otherwise offering positive benefit. Our world if full of stressors.

What can you do?

There are four strategies you can apply to reducing stress:

1. Avoid
2. Alter
3. Adapt
3. Accept what's left

Friday, February 08, 2019

Planning Is Futile

It's not the plan. The best plan, not followed, ends up with worse results than a poor plan that is executed.

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Day In The Life: Optimizing Your Situation For Success - s2e39

There often comes a time when you look around and think you have room to grow. When that happens, you need to do four things to get from where you are to where you want to be.

First, look around and see where you are and what is going on around you.

Next, speculate, estimate, or conjecture what you could be doing in the space nearby.

Third, appraise the situation to find obstacles and barriers that would keep you from expanding in that way.

Finally, create a plan to go from where you are to that new place and execute it.

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Shawn Guenther—Failure Doesn't Always Look Like Failure

Failure… We don't like that word in 21st Century western culture. But failure is a fact of life, and it teaches us where to go and how to change as we go forward.

But, another type of failure is to fail yourself. To pour all of your time into something that does not really fit with what you want and need to be doing.